Sunday, January 22, 2006

Green speakers

A note from the Outreach Committee of the GPUS:

Have you ever watched a Green speaker who was so inspiring it made you think, "If only more people heard this message..."

Well, you can help make it happen.

The ad-hoc Outreach committee is working on developing a Green Speakers Bureau, and we are looking for enthusiastic, articulate Greens who can inspire audiences and represent the Green Party and its platform to diverse audiences. Maybe you know of a Green who would be a perfect for the speaker's bureau, or maybe you would like to volunteer yourself.

Just send your info to:

If you are nominating another individual, please send us the sugested speaker's name and as much contact information as you can. Also, any additional information you find helpful would be wonderful.

If you are volunteering yourself, please send the following information: name, contact info, areas of expertise, travel limitations or requirements, fee or fee structure requested (if any), and other pertinent information regarding scheduling or speaking.

Thanks for helping us build the Green Party.

Ad Hoc Outreach Committee

P.S. Please remember to send all correspondence regarding the Speakers Bureau to

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