Fairbanks Critical Mass will celebrate the midnight sun while promoting awareness of bicycles and bicycle safety on the road. Critical Mass is a national program where cyclists exercise their right to ride on the road. Cycling is the most efficient, least carbon-emitting form of transportation known to man. Come show your personality by dressing up in this month's midnight sun theme, and show your commitment to a healthy world.The Critical Mass Bike Rides are on:
Bring a helmet, and meet at Beaver sports at 5:30 this Friday, or call Garrison at 474-2402 for more information.
June 29
July 27
August 31
and go from Beaver Sports east on College Road. Dress up in costume, bring banners, horns, bells, and a smile!
Don't just blindly follow the person in front of you--you are responsible for your own actions.
Wear a helmet (Alaska has helmet laws)
Ride in the road and obey all trafffic laws (STOP on YELLOW as well as red!)
Stay in the far right lane (don't take up two lanes)
Be friendly to motorists.